Thursday, September 04, 2008

Round and round

Well, it's been a while, though perhaps not long enough for some people. :-)

Nothing much to say right now because I have always heard if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything.

Life right now is (and for the past few years has been) pretty messed up. My divorce went through, kind of, in April. The judge had everything read into the court records but until my ex signs the documents, things are still in limbo. She has had them in her hands for almost two months now and nothing has been signed. Not sure why she won't sign, but I have no control over it and really can't move on in regards to many things until she signs.

My daughter, who lives with me, has basically become obsessed with the next door neighbors (or at least one of them). Not to much to worry about as far as anything happening since they are a gay couple but she has basically decided to spend all of her time with them and has taken to calling them her adopted family. I am doing what I can to guide but with her being 17, bullheaded and eager to blame me for everything that goes wrong, there is only so much I can do. That likely sounds defeatist but it is simply the truth. That only touches on the tip of the iceberg so to speak but most of the other things are private for right now.

Work is difficult on one hand while being rewarding at the same time. I work with a staff that is extremely loyal, hardworking and dedicated. I would say this is easily the best staff I have every had the pleasure of working with in my life so that is good. The difficulty comes in where the new ownership, which has never managed residential properties, is very unwilling to take advise from people who have extensive experience in our company. That gets frustrating because there have been many times (including one today) where I have been blamed for something that went wrong when, in reality, the owners refused to listen to what I told them needed to happen to prevent the problem I wound up getting blamed for.

I will never understand why people refuse to accept my guidance or advice. I have asked mentors for suggestions on how to present things. I have asked peers what they do. I have been told often that I am simply too quiet and willing to put up with garbage so people don't respect that perhaps what I have to say has some merit. It makes no sense that I would have to get loud or pushy to get people to listen but clearly what I am doing right now is not working.

On a good note, my devotional life is getting more solid. I am spending more time praying and reading the Bible, very possibly because I am trying to find out when all of this garbage over the past three years will end. God says He will never give us more than we can handle but it has become clear that He has a much higher pain tolerance for me than I do.

Enough for now. Lots of other stuff is happening but I won't get into that. I am really hoping that good things will start happening soon as I could use a break.

At this time I am focusing on being thankful that I have food to eat, a warm place to sleep, clothes on my back, and solid friends and family. Many people have far, far less than that so my life could easily be much worse.


At 12:14 AM , Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

i say keep updating - it's good to hear how things are going, and I think it is a good way to express what you are thinking. Also, don't forget to join our hockey draft!

At 12:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

gord started a new one in case you're interested.



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