Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Random thoughts about movies - 2007

Great movies from the past year (and a bit):

August Rush - Not sure why I liked it so much, but I know I liked the music in this one. Very understated movie and a really unique turn by Robin Williams. If you like a movie with a good story line and a really unique view of how to make music and the part it plays in our lives, take a chance.

Bucket List - This may be one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm not a real Jack Nicholson fan but I was really impressed by the way he presented his character. Morgan Freeman on the other hand impresses me every time and this was no exception. In fact, he may be my favorite all time actor so my enjoyment of this movie may have been impacted by that fact. The basic idea that these two men would connect takes a bit of a leap to accept and yet the movie pulls it off and it works. Dealing with death is often dangerous territory but this movie deals with it as well as I have ever seen. The basic premise of the movie surrounds a "bucket list" which is a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket. How this plays out is done very well and brought laughter, tears, joy, sadness and frustration at different times. And how you view this movie will be very influenced by how you view life. This is the one movie that I came out of this year thinking a lot about how I live my life, how I interact with others, and what I want to make out of the rest of my years.

Wild Hogs - Wow. If you are a guy who is in his 40's who is wondering about how you got where you are and if you have it in you to take a chance, this is a movie you need to see. This is the one movie I have seen several times. Most movies I will see once or twice but this one I have seen often. Why? Because as much as it was a funny movie and there were great gags (make sure you know which container holds the fuel and which one holds the water when you go camping), there were some great lines that really hit home. My kids liked it as well so it isn't just for 40 year old men, but they liked it for different reasons than I did. If you ever get the chance to read the book Wild at Heart, or if you have read it, this movie laid out a lot of the same thoughts that are presented in that book.

I Am Legend - Never saw the original Omega Man so I had no point of reference. Wasn't sure I would like this one but it was in the cheap theatre so I thought I'd take a chance. Good decision. The more I see of Will Smith, the better I like him as an actor. It takes a lot of skill to pull off a movie like this and he did it very well. Was it a classic movie? Likely not. But it was really good and I found myself wishing it had gone a bit longer which for me means that there was more story to tell and the story that was told was told well.

Die Hard 4 - How can you not like a movie that has a helicopter getting taken out by a police car? Still one of the most enjoyable action franchises. (And if Bruce Willis can do action at his age, maybe I still have a chance to get in shape). :-)

Transformers - Incredible special effects.

Bourne Ultimatum - Excellent ending to the trilogy (which apparently now may be adding a fourth movie. $$$$$$$). It is rare that a third movie does such a good job of wrapping up a trilogy. This is one of the few movie franchises that has had excellent action, acting and plot throughout and could easily add more movies in the future.

There were several other movies I saw during the year but for me, those top my list. Kind of a diverse group but I liked each one for different reasons. Feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree.


At 10:26 AM , Blogger Papa Scott said...

A few comments for you.

Wild Hogs - I went to this movie with my brothers and peter when it came out last year. We loved it and were both happy and dismayed that it reminded us of our anual camping trip. I think that as we all age we start matching this type of trip and issues much more closely.

Transformers - I was so excited about this movie that on opening day I gave up on my normal idea of waiting a few weeks to go to a movie (I hate crowds). I bought my ticket and then waited in line for an hour to get in to the theatre. As I looked around at the hundreds of people surrounding me, I realised that I was 'at home'. Apparently I found my people when they finally came out of thier mom's basement to come to this movie. I was disturbed.

Bourne Ultimatum - I will agree that it was a good movie but I have to point out that the only thing that it shares with the book of that name is a character named Jason Bourne. The first movie matched about 30% of the first book but turned the man who would become his best freind into the bad guy and removed the entire main plot. It only used the secondary plots. The second movie used this as a starting point and in the first 10 minutes destroyed the last remaining character who was in the books, mainly Marie(?, blanked on name) who helped him in the first book and then became his wife and is a central character in the next 2 books. After that the only similarity between the booka nd movie was the character. Over all I think the books told a much better story but the movies would be great if I had never read the books.

At 12:35 PM , Blogger Papa Scott said...

The scene in Transformers where Ratchet says something like: "Analysis of pheromone levels indicates that he wants to mate with the female!"

This gets my vote as the funniest awkward statement I have seen in years.

The expresions on the faces of both the girl and the guys are priceless!!


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